Wednesday, August 26, 2020

From Typical Contracts to E-Contracts Assignment

From Typical Contracts to E-Contracts - Assignment Example Hence it is worthwhile as it spares the two shoppers the time they would have used to make a trip to the marking workplaces. Third, the innovation has significantly improved productivity in the land area henceforth coming about to decrease â€Å"contract-to-shutting times.† Also, the electronic agreement framework diminishes deforestation. This is on the grounds that it has disposed of the utilization of papers for documentation. Rather, it utilizes CD’s where the marked archives are put away and given to the buyers. What's more, the new techniques favor purchasers who don't prefer to uncover their personality. This is on the grounds that there is no eye to eye connection between the purchaser and merchant. The main individual who gets the chance to meet the buyers is the lawyer in this way giving protection to the individuals who esteem their own security. From the first colleague, I would concur with him that it feels extraordinary while shutting bargains through electronic framework contrasted and the conventional way. Regardless of the distinction in two strategies, both need a lot of consideration as a method of looking after exactness. By utilizing this technique, buyers hazard losing nothing since they are ensured assurance from the land organizations. None of their security will be risked in electronic agreements since all strategies are done in private. To the second colleague, I figure you should end the questions you have towards the e-contract framework. It is genuine individuals once in a while read the entire agreement yet with the utilization of e-contracts, one can peruse them quicker than perusing printed copies. The hunt and discover instruments have a significant effect in this way making the exchanges simple and straightforward. What's more, conditions point of reference cling to in this manner the entire strategy is done under the release execution rule. By this, it implies that the culmination of the consumers’ agreement must be done through after what was guaranteed before the marking of that agreement.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A monopoly from start to finish Essay Example for Free

A restraining infrastructure from beginning to end Essay ? During out investigations this term we have taken in a great deal about a Monopolistic way an organization can move in the business market and I might want to invigorate your brain by offering a reasonable definition. A Monopoly is a circumstance where a substance, either an individual or an industry or association, is the sole provider of a specific decent or administration. In that capacity, this provider has no opposition from different providers and can control the market estimation of the item. A few syndications are government-upheld or controlled, while others structure normally or through organization merger. As per our focal point of this paper, we are getting some information about the since quite a while ago run serious balance of the Wonks Company that was procuring an ordinary pace of return and were contending in a monopolistically serious market structure. One of the inquiries we should answer with respect to this adjustment in business structure is the means by which the company’s move to a restraining infrastructure will profit the partners in question. One of the partners who might be included is the legislature. Restraining infrastructures endorsed by the administration are called lawful imposing business models. These are viewed as coercive restraining infrastructures, implying that different organizations are prohibited by law to go up against them. Governments likewise keep up some power over syndications through rivalry laws, which keep imposing business models from taking part in corrupt or hostile to serious practices (http://www. reference. com/theme/Society/focal points weaknesses of-syndications). The subsequent inquiry is the way a Monopoly will influence different organizations and after research it is very evident from the meaning of a restraining infrastructure that different organizations don't need to stress over rivalry from different organizations in a similar market. Shoppers are influenced by this change since they should either buy the item or administration from the imposing business model or manage without it. At the point when an organization advances from a monopolistically serious firm to a restraining infrastructure, there will be changes concerning costs and yield from both of these market structures. Along these lines, let’s investigate how costs are influenced when a firm turns into a syndication. A typical practice among certain imposing business models is value segregation, in which the monopolist charges a few sections of the populace more than others for a similar item or administration, in view of a more serious need or a wealthier buyer base. This would for the most part be called value fixing which is an understanding between members on a similar side in a market to purchase or sell an item, administration, or ware just at a fixed cost, or keep up the economic situations with the end goal that the cost is kept up at a given level by controlling flexibly and request. At the point when the restraining infrastructure can keep purchasers from exchanging their item, they might have the option to value segregate to highlight the impacts of syndication power. As I would see it the most significant gathering that is influenced by a Monopoly are the shoppers. Restraining infrastructures can affect shopper costs in two clearly various ways, they can make costs drop so low that it powers organizations bankrupt or it a reason costs to soar making it hard for buyers to buy an item, nor being a decent choice for the customer. On the off chance that one business is the main supplier of an item or administration, the customer is compelled to follow through on whatever the cost they request. This can likewise prompt the organization giving a low quality item or administration unafraid of losing business (Home, 2009). Since restraining infrastructures are the main supplier, they can set practically any value they pick, paying little heed to request, since they realize the shopper must choose between limited options. Is this kind of thing reasonable for purchasers? Obviously not, yet it is the manner by which enormous business can keep steady over the market. For instance, the vast majority find that Apple items have a ridiculous sticker price, however I have come to discover that the nature of their items is remarkable and I gauge that Apple will keep on ascending in prominence for a considerable length of time to come. It has likewise become obvious that since Monopolies attempt to screen the cost of items they may fall back on value separation. Value segregation is now and again characterized as the act of a firm selling a homogeneous item simultaneously to various buyers at various costs . Obviously, I trust it is imperative to get what and how value separation happens. â€Å"Price separation exists when two comparative items which have the equivalent minor expense to create are sold by a firm at various costs. This kind of training is exceptionally dubious as far as its effect on the two buyers and rivals† (Price Discrimination, 2006, p. 1). There are numerous approaches to achieve these kind of conditions in light of the fact that the exchanges unquestionably need not be synchronous; undoubtedly, there is worldly separation, for example, between Sunday rates and week, day rates, early show and night costs, top rates and off-top rates, season and slow time of year costs. To sell various characteristics or items with various minimal expense at a similar cost, or to purchase various characteristics or elements of various proficiency at a similar cost, is additionally oppressive. In light of the entirety of this helpful data we should likewise respond to the inquiry in regards to which market structure is increasingly useful for Wonks to work in and will this market structure advantage purchasers? As I would like to think it depends fair and square of value and administration of the items and how much customers are eager to pay for the items they need to buy. In a monopolistic serious market the customer may decide to buy a substitute item at a lower cost, yet just if the buyer esteems cost over worth. Obviously with an imposing business model there might be just a couple of organizations offering a substitute item. In the event that one company’s item turns out to be excessively high in value, the buyer will in the long run search for another brand that offers comparative use. As indicated by business analyst, the monopolistic competitor’s request bend is less versatile than an unadulterated contender and more flexible than an unadulterated monopolist. Monopolistic contenders have overabundance limit which implies that less organizations working at limit could gracefully the business yield. It is my feeling that Wonks may work more usefully as a Monopoly than at a Monopolistic Competitive firm since they won't have as much rivalry to manage and they can corner the market with worth and cost. Assets: 1. McChesney, F. S. , Shughart II, W. F. , and Haddock, D. D. (2004). ON THE INTERNAL CONTRADICTIONS OF THE LAW OF ONE PRICE. Financial Inquiry, 42(4), 706-716. doi:10. 1093/ei/cbh091 2. Mainwaring, L. L. (1977). Restraining infrastructure POWER, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND PRICE DETERMINATION. Kyklos, 30(4), 674. 3. https://www. fcsknowledgecenter. com/transfers/2011_Row_Crops_Industry_Perspective. pdf 4. http://scholastic. udayton. edu/lawrenceulrich/Stakeholder%20Theory. pdf 5. http://www. answers. com/subject/mergers-and-acquisitions 6. http://www. helium. com/things/1405663-what-is-an imposing business model what-do-syndications do-how-is-the-economy-influenced by-restraining infrastructures 7. Case, K. E. , Fair, R. C. , and Oster, S. E. (2009) Principles of Microeconomics (ninth ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. A syndication from beginning to end. (2017, Apr 30).

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What to Do When You Feel Sad and Dont Know Why

What to Do When You Feel Sad and Don't Know Why Depression Treatment Print What to Do When You Feel Sad or Upset and Dont Know Why You Might Be Depressed and Not Know It By Nancy Schimelpfening Nancy Schimelpfening, MS is the administrator for the non-profit depression support group Depression Sanctuary. Nancy has a lifetime of experience with depression, experiencing firsthand how devastating this illness can be. Learn about our editorial policy Nancy Schimelpfening Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 04, 2020 Depression Overview Types Symptoms Causes & Risk Factors Diagnosis Treatment Coping ADA & Your Rights Depression in Kids PhotoAlto / Frederic Cirou / Getty Images Is it really possible to be depressed and not know it? After all, depression is a serious clinical diagnosis. In reality, it can be difficult to recognize signs of depression over common experiences like sadness or grief. Depression can appear suddenly or gradually. It can be related to a situation (as in adjustment disorders) or there may be no reason at all. You may be aware that you feel bad or not like your usual self, but you may not be aware that what you are feeling is clinically significant depression. Reasons You May Not Know That You Are Depressed There are several possible explanations for being depressed and not knowing it. Depression might not be on your radar, either due to denial or stigma, or you may dismiss your symptoms because youve been experiencing them for so long. You may even be mistaking the symptoms of depression for something else. Here are some reasons why you may not realize that you are depressed. Youve been depressed for so long that it simply feels normal to you. This may be especially true for those who have been depressed since early childhood.You may not be feeling particularly sad so you think it cant possibly be depression.  In reality, depression can take more forms than just a feeling of profound sadness. You may feel tired, low in energy, or lack in any real sense of joy without necessarily feeling sadness or being weepy.??Depression can develop gradually over an extended period of time. When the changes in mood are subtle and come on slowly, you may not recognize that things arent the same as they used to be.??Depression can make you feel down about yourself.  If you are feeling like you are somehow bad or defective, its easy to dismiss what you are feeling as somehow being an innate part of yourself that cant be fixed. You may feel that rather than suffering from a treatable illness, you are irreparably broken and unworthy of feeling better.??Cultural differences c an also make it more difficult to recognize and acknowledge depression.  If those around you treat depression as something that must be borne without complaint then you may feel as if asking for help is a sign of weakness.?? 2:12 Some Common Causes of Depression Recognizing Depression So how do you know if you are depressed?  If youve been experiencing several of the following symptoms for at least two weeks then it is possible that you could be experiencing depression: Feelings of sadness or emptinessAnger and irritabilityLoss of interest in activities usually enjoyedSleep problems such as insomnia or sleeping too muchFatigue or lack of energyChanges in appetite or weight (can be either a lack of appetite accompanied by weight loss or increased appetite with weight gain)Anxiety and agitationSlowed thought, speech, or physical movementsFeelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or excessive guiltProblems with thinking, memory, concentration, and decision makingThoughts of death and suicideMysterious aches and pains with no discernible cause?? Symptoms of Clinical Depression How to Get Help If you suspect that you may have depressionâ€"or things simply dont feel quite rightâ€"it is wise to speak with your doctor about what you are feeling.  Your doctor can screen you for possible causes for your symptoms and get you the proper medical care that you need.?? Depression Discussion Guide Get our printable guide to help you ask the right questions at your next doctors appointment. Download PDF As part of your doctors visit, you may have certain blood tests done to rule out other causes of your depression symptoms.  Certain conditions such as hypothyroidism can create symptoms that mimic depression. How Depression Is Diagnosed Treating Depression Once other conditions have been ruled out and a depression diagnosis has been confirmed, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant medication. They may also refer you to a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, or another qualified mental health professional who specializes in treating mental health conditions?? ???. Individual therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore whats behind your depression and how to work through your sadness. Since its normal to feel alone, isolated, or different when youre depressed, you might also consider group therapy, which can help you see that others are going through the same thing and help you feel less alone. Whichever direction you take, remember that there is no stigma in getting help for depression. It is a serious and treatable conditionâ€"and one you dont have to manage alone. Tips for Living With Depression

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Anz s Sustainability Framework Analysis - 2201 Words

The approach: ANZ’s Sustainability Framework is about how to manage business to take account of economic, social and environmental risks and opportunities to deliver value for customers, shareholders, people and communities. It supports the vision of becoming the best connected, most respected bank in the Asia Pacific region. Involving social and environmental factors into consideration when it comes to business decisions, products and services to achieve customers’ sustainability aims and communicate long term services for all the stakeholders. Growing business in a sustainable way of thinking requires banking activities to be financially, socially and environmentally approachable in both short and long term operation.†¦show more content†¦And just as ANZ’s approach has put them in the means to short-term and long-term managing, all corporations must have been operating for both short-term and long-term running. Economic sustainability refers to an economy’s ability to create and maintain economic conditions that retain economic health of current moment and long-term economic development. In the banking corporation, it’s less complex to aiming for, as banking of all organizations should know how to manage funds in the long run financially profitable. Environmental sustainability is about making responsible decisions that will reduce the negative impact on the environment caused by business activities, not simply about reducing the amount of waste you produce or using less energy, but is conc erned with developing state that will make businesses more reliably sustainable in future operations. Social sustainability has been given less attention in public activities than economic and environmental sustainability. It is the neither the most defined or understood of the different ways of approaching sustainable development. ANZ seeks to better understand social and environmental pressures and to identify what can be done in the workplaces and branches to help minimise environmental impact. They also actively support customers and suppliers to deliver environment-friendly and social outcomes. Switching to new operating method and techniques It is clear that ANZ has put

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Pay It Forward A Positive or Negative Impact on Society...

Making a difference in the world is not strenuous; it is the choices conceived that dictate either a positive or negative impact upon society. Most people do not wish to negatively impact others, but unfortunately events such as this occur nonetheless. When involving myself with my UNI classmates, we came to the conclusion that we must surpass all struggles and attempt to assist those who cannot assist themselves. Various ideas were tossed back and forth until we came to one cessation: every single idea was a prodigious idea. Our group had no choice other than to complete multiple acts of kindness towards human beings in our surrounding areas. The first act of kindness that my group permitted involved paying for a stranger’s meal in a†¦show more content†¦One sticky note read, â€Å"Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest† (â€Å"Clemens/Twain†). I peered out of the window while I was on my ten-minute break and spotted a you ng woman smiling at her sticky note; unfortunately, I cannot remember the exact words written, but it warms my heart to know that I was the reason behind her toothy grin. There were a few other smaller, selfless activities I decided to perform due to a lengthy list I read online. One of the tasks entailed listening to someone’s pain and making an attempt to help them find a path through it. I had this conversation with a fellow coworker whose mother had passed almost a year ago; the pain is still tender and she is trying to deal with it to the best of her abilities. Another act I wanted to pull off included donating all of my old clothes to someone in need. It is certainly true that someone’s old is another person’s definition of new (â€Å"Chernoff†). Gandhi said it best when he uttered the words, â€Å"Be the change you want to see in the world†. By participating in random acts of kindness, you are inspiring others in the process to do the same. The possibilities are endless and if we all come together, we can turn the world around ultimately. You may believe that you are one person in this world compacted with a billion other people; however, to one person, at one singleShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of The Industrial Revolution710 Words   |  3 Pagesadvancements that would change the way of living for everyone. As with all significant events in history, there were positive and negative impacts that the Industrial Revolution had on the world. Despite all the technological advancements that were made during this time that brought economic prosperity to all, the Industrial Revolution has negative impacts that shaped our society to be less humane and more greedy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Islamic Women Free Essays

Islamic Women†¦ Is There an End to their sufferings? The question proposed in the title is basically a direct response after going through Geraldine Brooks’ essay â€Å"Nine Parts of Desire; The Hidden World of Islamic Women† in its second chapter. Geraldine poses several ideas and personal experiences in which she tries to understand the mystery of the perpetuating repressive and barbaric practices (genital mutilation, infibulations, hysterectomy, and honor killings) that have nothing to do with Koranic teachings. She starts her essay in a detailed description of a gruesome and shocking scene of a hysterectomy procedure that took place under poor and unequipped conditions (Brooks 33). We will write a custom essay sample on Islamic Women or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many women that were subjected to such practices ended up dead. For such manner, Dr. Abrehet Gebrekidan, a gynecologist, offered the Eritreans help since her skills will ensure their survival (Brooks 34). Furthermore, the Kuran refused the existence of the dreadful genital mutilation procedures, but the women were not educated enough to read it (Brooks 35). And despite the consequences of such procedures, they believed that such procedures were to safeguard the girls’ chastity where the honor of the fathers and brothers depended on (Brooks 37). As for men, they believed that these operations are equivalent to their honors, therefore they must repress women sexualities by turning off their pleasure sites otherwise they will end up as prostitutes (Brooks 35). The prophet Muhammad, who is the ideal person of all Muslims, believed that women should enjoy sexual intercourse with their husbands. And that it is forbidden to take away women desires (Brooks 39). According to Muslims, specifically Shiite, adultery â€Å"sigheh or muta† is acceptable and sanctioned by a cleric where the couple are together mainly for having sex and providing money (Brooks 43). Brooks also mentions the idea of honor killings that were and still adopted in some Islamic tribes. They believe that fathers and brothers have the right to kill their own daughters or sisters when suspecting that they are having sexual intercourse without marriage (Brooks 49). Brooks obviously mentions that the Kuran (Islam) is not a mean of oppression to women, but then why are there so many women oppressed? All this leads to my personal stand towards such an essential and critical issue. I agree with Geraldine Brooks that Islamic women should strive against such unfair practices and beliefs, and to free themselves from the power of ruled Islamic men for they are suffering from severe consequences. Islamic women should articulate spokeswomen to put an end to their miseries where they can maintain physical, social, and emotional stability. Imagine you were one of the African women who were subjected to such horrifying operation, how would you feel? Frightened, disgusted, hopeless, and worthless. Genital mutilation is a result of delusions of men where they think that their honor will be preserved and maintained through such operations. It is devastating what they do to such women. Their clitoris is cut off in an unprofessional way with poor and unclean equipment which led them to suffer from a lot of pain during sexual intercourse. Moreover, such women used to bleed to death during such operations or if not during the operation then later by suffering from severe infections and debilitating anemia (Brooks 34). To prove such point, Brooks reflected the real life experience of a woman that had her clitoris cut off when she was eight. After getting married, she was subjected to pain every time she had sex with her husband. And giving birth to her last fifth child ended her life (Brooks 33). Women are suffering from physical malfunctions and even death for something they are born with. Is it fair for men to have their honors preserved at the expense of losing so many innocent women? Isn’t there another way? According to the Kuran in Islam, and the hadith of the prophet Mohammad, women have the complete right to enjoy sex and satisfy their pleasures with their husbands. Men and women are equal when it comes to sex; however they should be married as the Sharia (Law) of Islam states (Brooks 39). The Islamic religion did not mention about hysterectomy and did not approve of it as a way to reflect man’s honor. The prophet Muhammad considered sex to be not only a mean to have children but an enjoyable and pleasurable relation between the couple, and he himself enjoyed it with all his wives (Brooks 41). Moreover, some people might think that the citizens in Saudi Arabia are always confused about sex since they’re women are covered with a veil. However, these people talk about sex all the time and it is not a shy topic for them. For example, Brooks knew a couple in Saudi Arabia that fell in love over the phone and agreed to instantly marry. When Brooks was invited to their home, she was surprised that women there talk about sex all the time and it is a mean for pleasure (Brooks 40). This ensures and proves that women who are having sex while married and enjoying it, is socially and religiously acceptable. But despite that, people are ignoring such issues and girls that did not even reach the age of ten don’t have a choice. They are just taught that it is important for them to undergo hysterectomy for the sake of their families. The horrors of these operations keep haunting them throughout their lives until they are long gone. One by one, all these women are being killed for the sake of their spouses believing that it is the right choice. It is so ironic to me that women get married to die instead of living happily ever after. Women are definitely imprisoned by the power of men. Till now, the sufferings of women that I’ve explained are because of men’s demands and authorities. To be more precise, here comes the notion of so-called â€Å"honor killing†. To men, and especially Islamic men, honor is extremely important to them and the family in their own society. It is so important that they would kill their own flesh and blood for the sake of preserving their honors. In her essay, Brooks mentions the example of the nineteen years old girl that was found tied up in a burned-out car. She was murdered by her own father because the girl was pregnant and unmarried (Brooks 51). The poor little girl had an affair probably with her loved one, and for that she faced her miserable destiny. Isn’t it all cleared out now? All these crimes, inhumane acts, and the never ending miseries of women are the result of the demands and satisfaction of the ruling men. Therefore, gynecologists revealed a new modern way for such girls to protect themselves for death by undergoing a procedure called hymenoplasty, also known as hymen reconstruction surgery. Lebanon is one of the Arab countries that adopted such procedure (Hankir 387). In Lebanon, the majority of people find having sex before marriage a taboo and a sin. To them, virginity of a girl is something so sacred and it determines her honor. Therefore, a girl must remain virgin until she gets married otherwise no man will accept her, and it will cause a lot of problems in her family (Hankir 387). For example, a twenty five-year-old Diana wants to get her hymen reconstructed because she is afraid of losing the one she wants to marry, and she can’t risk having her family find out. Obviously, the man she loves doesn’t accept her as a non virgin (Hankir 387). But the generation now a days is very much different than the generation of our parents and their parents. Sexuality, and especially in Lebanon, has become something normal between two couples. Many teenagers are having sex since their beliefs and mentalities are more up to date and westernized. Also, they can always resort to hymenoplasty as a solution for their â€Å"sins†. I believe that this procedure is somehow helpful in certain cases. For example, when a girl gets raped, she can undergo hymenoplasty to cover up for something she had nothing to do with. If she didn’t, many boys will refuse to marry her, and she will be judged wrongly all her life. Genital mutilation is definitely not a substitution for honor killing and vice versa. Both highlight and reflect crimes, inhumanity, and barbarity. Can’t we all just build a society where it is banned from men controlling women and having the right to kill their daughters? A society where women are as much powerful as men and are not afraid to hide their reality with a plastic surgery? Also, there should exist an acceptable punishment for those girls far away from ending their lives since God only is responsible for such duty. To sum up, we live in the Arab world where man was and is still dominant over women. Men tend to control the lives of women as they want to as if they are nothing more than slaves. Honor killing, genital mutilation, and no education are all part of the plan of men. Women are just for satisfying the pleasure of men, and giving birth. Men fear the idea of educating women since they will become as powerful as men and seek to free and protect themselves from the captivation of men. And this leads me to my final stand. Women are capable of living a much more healthy and happy life by strengthening their will and educating themselves. They should not tolerate the demands of men for they bring nothing but miseries and severe consequences on their lives. How to cite Islamic Women, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethics for Nurses in Australia-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Problem faced by Nurses related to the dignity of the human person and realisation of the common good in their Profession and Practice. Answer: In the present clinical scenario, nurses face issues related to the dignity of the human person and realisation of the common good in their profession and practice. The most significant issue is the patients confidentiality and respect for dignity in the present healthcare system that shapes the advancement of nursing practice and profession. Patients confidentiality is one of the most important pillars in the field of medicine and nurses have a moral duty to protect the private details of a patient under their provision of care (Wong et al., 2015). As a nurse, one has the duty to maintain patients confidentiality being an important dimension and moral principle of human dignity combined with nursing profession. The above finding serves as reminders for nurses in their profession because perception and societal support is important in nursing for the preservation of patients health related aspects of common good. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality of patients in the current healthcare system is increasingly challenging in regards to safeguarding individuals personal health information and using it for medical purposes only (Winland-Brown, Lachman Swanson, 2015). Nursing profession needs to establish its benefit to society as it is one of the most trusted profession in the healthcare system. There should be promotion of common good with elements of caring, concern and compassion in the professional nursing practice. Although the above statement seems alarmist, there is still competing priorities arguing that whether common good is serving the purpose of promotion of confidential treatment and maintenance of human dignity within the society. From the nurses perspective, human dignity is an expression of professional values like privacy, respect and independence (Kerr et al., 2014). In the nursing clinical and educational environments, human dignity is recognized as understanding and valuing nurses and considers their professional needs and success. However, in the current healthcare scenario, although the nursing profession is respected, the inherent dignity of a person is not evaluated. Respect is an essential factor in all spheres of life like self-respect, respect for privacy of patients and others that are associated with dignity. Privacy and confidentiality in nursing are two different aspects in nursing profession. Privacy is the right of individuals or clients to keep their personal information about themselves and not disclosed. Patients are the ones who decide when and where the health information needs to be shared. On a contrary, confidentiality in nursing is how to treat private information of patients once it is disclosed. This information disclosure arises from a trusting relationship assuming that health information should not be divulged except for treatment and monitoring of quality of care (zturk, Bahecik zelik, 2014). Nevertheless, in the fast-paced clinical scenario, the maintenance of privacy and confidentiality is a daunting task. Nurses promote confidentiality of patients by giving them the right to decide what information should be shared about them and in which circumstances. As nurses, they recognize that there need to be a balance between patient safety and treatment with respect for confidentiality and they must choose patient safety first. Under Code of Professional Conduct for Nurses in Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA), nurses have the moral obligation to treat personal information of an individual obtained as private and confidential in their professional capacity. Similarly, nurses have the responsibility towards the individuals under their provision to whom they provide care and provide safety and quality in their competent nursing profession (Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia, 2017). Human dignity and rights has an impact on treatment as informed consent from the patient or client is important before the commencement of diagnosis and treatment. In this way, the patient dignity is maintained and violation may result in denial or rejection of treatment as the patient was not priory informed. As nursing is viewed as a trusting profession, consent to treatment is important where permission is taken from the patient before receiving any kind of medical treatment, examination or test informing about potential benefits and risks involved in the procedure (Grady, 2015). As nurses, they know how patients and their families make excruciating decisions and if they are comfortable with the medical treatment or not. Nonetheless, nurses have to maintain confidentiality and find ways to reconcile own values within nursing profession obligations. As a nurse, one should treat patient with respect and dignity and personal information should be used for professional purposes only. Patient confidentiality is important that ensures to safeguard patients rights and protecting confidentiality of information promoting common good and acts as motivation of nurses to continue with their nursing profession. References Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia. (2017).5_New-Code-of-Ethics-for-Nurses-. Retrieved 7 November 2017, from https://file:///C:/Users/user00/Downloads/5_New-Code-of-Ethics-for-Nurses-August-2008%20(3).PDF Grady, C. (2015). Enduring and emerging challenges of informed consent.New England Journal of Medicine,372(9), 855-862. Kerr, D., McKay, K., Klim, S., Kelly, A. M., McCann, T. (2014). Attitudes of emergency department patients about handover at the bedside.Journal of clinical nursing,23(11-12), 1685-1693. zturk, H., Bahecik, N., zelik, K. S. (2014). The development of the patient privacy scale in nursing.Nursing ethics,21(7), 812-828. Winland-Brown, J., Lachman, V. D., Swanson, E. O. C. (2015). The new code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. 2015: Practical clinical application, Part I.Medsurg Nursing,24(4), 268-71. Wong, S. T., Lavoie, J. G., Browne, A. J., MacLeod, M. L., Chongo, M. (2015). Patient confidentiality within the context of group medical visits: is there cause for concern?.Health Expectations,18(5), 727-739.